Hangi is an ancient food of Maori. Maori have been cooking hangi for hundreds of years. Hangi is a special way of cooking food using a pit oven under the ground, hot stones and steam. First, the meat should be in the basket and you can use chicken, fish, shellfish, pork and lamb. Vegetables like potatoes, kumara (it is sweet potato), pumpkin, and corn on the cob can all go in the steel basket. Then the steel basket gets covered with wet sheets and the wet sheets get covered with wet sacks. It takes about three hours to cook hangi. Maori use Manuka. Manuka is the best kind of wood because it cans burns hard and gives nice smoke flavor to the food. These days, there are many different way to cook hangi. Steel basket became widely. They use sack and cloth instead of leaves and dirt covering of choice. On the other hand, “Hangi Cooker” has used the style of cooking. It can cook without wood fire hot stones and a pit oven. So if you get hangi cooker, you will cook hangi easily.
3 件のコメント:
Your blog is so nice because it's easy to read for me and it has many links. Moreover, your contents are interesting.
Your blog has a lot of links and good information so I could understand easier.
What a delicious food is!
I like your blog;)